The 3 ways to get to Gilda:
By plane: It takes 50 minutes to Acapulco airport, then you will take a taxi to Hotelgilda for $600 pesos, it takes one hour.
by car: It takes 4 hours and there are two possibilities :
- Simply go down the highway from "autopista del sol" to Acapulco and when you get to the market, turn off to Pie de la Cuesta as indicated, from Pie de la Cuesta continue towards Barra de Coyuca passing by the Tres Marias restaurant, the air force,
the Hotel "Parador del sol" to Luces en el Mar and turn left where it indicates
the HOTELGILDA sign until you reach the sea.
- The other possibility would be AVOIDING ACAPULCO; Leave the Autopista del Sol before the Acapulco tunnel towards Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo. (20min) You arrive at the new highway with a Zihuatanejo-Acapulco booth, at the junction there is a military checkpoint, turn left and before reaching Acapulco enter to the right through the arch at Pie de la Cuesta towards Barra de Coyuca.
When there is a lot of traffic in Acapulco in high season, it is the best way because you avoid the traffic jams in the city.
We have private parking at the hotel.
To get around in the area: in front of Hotelgilda there are buses and colectivos that go to Acapulco for approximately $25 pesos and some vans that circulate between Pie de la Cuesta and Barra de Coyuca for $20 pesos.
Our zone is free of violence.

Luminoso en en la entrada al callejon de Hotel Gilda

entrada a Samoa y Delfines

acceso a las habitaciones desde el estacionamiento

Luminoso en en la entrada al callejon de Hotel Gilda